Monique Saunders
Owner & Confectionary Artist

Monique says that she’s always had a love for cooking but never felt she could bake as well! It wasn't until 2012, after making cake pops for a friend’s dinner party, which everyone loved, that she discovered her true passion for baking and creating. She began further experimenting with cake pops asking her coworkers to be taste testers. Once people requested to purchase them, it was at that moment, she decided that she would pursue a passion she didn’t even realize she possessed.
She started by Googling cake pops daily, only to find out that there was a whole cake pop related world out there that she knew nothing about. She engulfed herself in doing the research and her skills grew quickly as did her love for the craft. People soon started requesting cupcakes, cheesecakes and so much more. She went from hobby baking for co-workers and friends to eventually taking the leap of faith into baking as a business.
On a personal note, when Monique is not baking or teaching decorating classes, she enjoys reading and traveling.